Soutien de la SoFOP au Pr Zaw Wai Soe et à la population Birmane
Le 13 novembre 2019 la SoFOP recevait comme membre d’honneur le Pr Zaw Wai Soe pour une conférence sur l’organisation de l’Orthopédie Pédiatrique au Myanmar.
Il avait insisté sur l’essor qu’avait pris la médecine dans son pays depuis l’ouverture à la démocratie. Il s’agit du combat de toute sa vie. Plusieurs membres de notre société ont pu le suivre dans cette démarche depuis bientôt 15 ans.
Suite au coup d’état militaire de la semaine dernière le Pr Zaw Wai Soe et toute son équipe sont entrés dans un processus de désobéissance civile (CDM pour civil disobediance movment). Il lutte aujourd’hui pour la paix, le respect et la dignité du peuple Birman.
En publiant ci-dessous son discours de désobéissance civile, la SoFOP soutient l’engagement du Pr Zaw Wai Soe et de la population Birmane
Pr Jérôme Sales de Gauzy, Président de la SoFOP
Pr Jean-Luc Jouve, Past Président de la SoFOP
Discours du Pr Zaw Wai Soe
I am a Rector. I am also an orthopedic surgeon.
I have taught orthopedic management, and developed new operative methods for Myanmar settings.
And I have also founded the Emergency Medicine in Myanmar and Emergency Department in Healthcare System.
I have also founded Spine Surgery in Myanmar and developed Spine Surgery Department.
I am also trying to establish an Ambulance System in Myanmar.
I have also founded the Medical Skill, Simulation and Research Center in Myanmar which is a highly equipped training center and made available to medical doctors, nurses, and other sectors of medical science.
I also served as vice-president of the Yangon Region COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Management Coordination Committee since the very start and did my utmost to help the people and the nation.
It is presumable that community have attained a level of immunity yet we still need to stick to the guidelines of wearing mask, washing hands and social distancing. We need to remind each other.
However, we need to show our wishes, now.
I do not want anything more.
I am nearly 60.
I am ok to die if I have to.
If it is just for my own, I would just live with mindfulness by Buddha, Dhamma, and Sanga.
The reason I keep on working is for Myanmar, a nation which is still behind and still in poverty.
I have only one wish. It is a nation with peace, freedom with justice which can guarantee prosperity for the young generations.
I do not want this country to be a haphazard one in which the leaders of the nation as the President, the State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, or any person can be caught like a chicken at any time.
I don’t want this country in which weapon-holders bullies on bare-handed people.
I do not want to survive in such a country, or I cannot leave my children, my students and the new generation in such a country. I cannot.
As a health care professional, our top priority is our patients. They are the primary importance. Our personal interest is next to theirs.
It has been a long time that our people have not received a good health care or good medical service. No matter how we strive, we could make little progress. Now matter how we invest, our patient care did not improve. Their survival rate did not improve.
It is due to the system.
We need to change that system.
We need to set up an optimal, and well-sustainable Health Care System with good insurance and a Medical Education System with the best framework.
Such a good system will never grow under such an adhoc ruling system in which captures and demolitions can be made easily by dictatorship. Nothing secure will be achieved.
For the good of our patients in the future, for their freedom for sufferings, for their better survival, lets:
- try hard,
- sacrifice,
- take the pain,
- bear the criticism,
- bear the curse.
Let’s vow for the good physical and mental health of our patients:
I I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to dedicate my life to the service of humanity;
THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF MY PATIENT will be my first consideration;
I WILL RESPECT the autonomy and dignity of my patient;
I WILL GIVE to my teachers, colleagues, and students the respect and gratitude that is their due;
I WILL PRACTISE my profession with conscience and dignity and in accordance with good medical practice;
I WILL FOSTER the honour and noble traditions of the medical profession;
I WILL MAINTAIN the utmost respect for human life;
I WILL NOT USE my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;
I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing, or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;
Pr Zaw Wai Soe
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